Shipping Information

Shipping Flat Rates (Sowwy)

USA - Per Order $6.00 ; Per Item $2.oo

6-12 business days

Canada - Per Order $8.00 ; Per Item $2.00

4-8 business days

Australia - Per Order $9.00 Per Item $2.00

4-7 business days

New Zealand - Per Order $9.00 Per Item $2.00

6-9 business days

*All shipping times are estimates, not guarantees

Flat Rate shipping is based on location, and goes up per item added into cart

Example: 1 T-Shirt : $29.99 + Flat Rate : $6.00 + Per Item : $2.00

Total (Before Taxes) - 37.99

*Flat Rate is the only option available to me at this time for business reasons, I am trying my hardest to get into carrier calculated shipping.

You will receive an email with shipping information shortly after your order is placed. We Estimate 3-5 business days for shipping information to be provided.

Please do not hesitate to contact Kesshi about any shipping questions or concerns. We want the process to go as smoothly as possible

*Please keep in mind these are all estimates and are subject to change.

-Thank you for your patience